What is compounding? Take a example to understand compounding Take rohan and mohan both are friends. Both are complete education of engineering and to the company for interview. Both are cracking the interview but boss gives options to both . Option 1st is boss gives 2 lakh salary per month for two years. Another option 2nd option is give 1 rupee as a salary but 1 rupee is double per month for two years. Rohan choose option 1 and in the end of the 2 year rohan receive 48 lakh but mohan choose 2nd option and in the end of the 2 year mohan recieve more than 1.50 crore rupees this the power of compounding. ##Do you want to earn income from social media please click the link and fill form https://surveyheart.com/form/62a16ef2a9e72514afdd779e
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Be it your first job or your third one or an important date, you want to walk wearing an impressive personality on your sleeves. Personality has become an oft-used word in our language. It is that tangible-yet-undefined feature that employers look in job candidates and people look for in prospective partners. But what is personality? Can we define it? What is Personality? Personality is a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. A research study by psychologists at the University of Illinois suggests that we can change our personality traits provided we want to change them. You can become the best version of yourself if you want to. A version that reverberates confidence, enthusiasm, and serenity. The kind that makes you stand out and help you get what you want in life. Is there a formula to develop a personality like that? Let us find out. Do you want ...